All About All Things Breton 

About the site:

“Feels like starting over…” This website replaces an earlier blog hosted for years as a free Wordpress site. It turns out that free-hosted Wordpress sites have slowly been degrading, losing functionality as the Wordpress platform, like many other services, seeks to “monetize” every little thing. They want you to pay to make it work like it used to for free. Eventually it became ridiculous and not fun to continue. Since the two-ish people now working on this site do web design professionally, a decision was made to eventually make a new site rich in graphic content to provide a better experience for that occasional visitor. One of us whipped up the basic design as a prototype for a project that didn’t get off the ground, so we thought... why not just use it ourselves?

Who are we?

For years the predecessor site was the creation of just one person, slaving away for their own amusement. More recently two people and occasional guests create the content - slaving away for their own amusement. We post under the name “Fañch”. Why? Some of the comments received in the past were far too nosy about the personal details of the author, and some folks were so offended at less-than-adulatory reviews, so now we are Fañch

Why are there no comments?

The internet can be a foul place, particularly in the comments section. Comments are the cesspool of humanity. Comments inevitably degrade everything they touch. Comments are a bummer.  Why expose ourselves to explosions of idiocy, grotesque grammar,  savage stupidity, or flatulent outbreaks of Dunning-Kruger syndrome? If you must contact us, perhaps to gift vast sums of money, feel free to use the Contact button on the menu above. Please note that we may or may not respond to contacts, based upon workload, content, mood, or whim.

Why do you do this - is there a financial aspect?

There is always a financial aspect to every human undertaking. In our case, this is purely a labor of love for a couple/three bright, obsessed people with some time on their hands. There is no money being made here, no profit. Our financial aspect is the cost incurred - we operate the site at a loss.

Where do you get the recordings and books that you review?

We buy them. We go to websites such as,, or, press the buttons, pay the money, and they send them to us. Other articles are based on scouring our sources in Brittany or through social media.

Why don’t you have all of the articles from the old blog?

Gosh, it’s a lot of work copying and pasting, reformatting, and frequently re-writing some of the older pieces.  All of the material will eventually make its way here. Everyone contributing to this site has a full-time  job and also play in bands, so time is limited.

Why isn’t your website setup for viewing with my iPhone?

This is a responsive design website formatted for large desktop monitors and also laptops and tablets. This is not a Wordpress site, it is html, so setting up for viewing by phone is a lot of extra work. More importantly, our concept for this site is for it to provide a certain  rich visual experience that the screens on phones etc are just too small to provide. So we decided to not break the design in order to try and serve those tiny screens. 

~ Fañch