
Zorba Quartet /Zorba/RideON Music/2016


Rémi Bouguennec : Flûte

Gweltaz Lintanf : accordéon diatonique

Hugues Lassere : contrebasse

Kevin Le Pennec : cistre 

Last year a video surfaced of some young Breton musicians who were trying to gather funds through a “KissKissBankBank” crowdsourcing campaign to finance a recording. Featuring flute, accordion, standup bass and cittern, the video showcased a presence and sound that was layered, fluid and charming. Now the EP, simply tiled “Zorba” has come out. Does it live up to the promise?

For the most part, yes it certainly does. To some extent in its sound and instrumentation this recording hearkens back to an earlier era in Breton music when groups such as Kornog or Pennou Skoulm also played intricate arrangements with ‘pan-celtic’ instruments such as the wooden flute and cittern. Zorba, however, infuses this sound with a thoroughly modern flair, with notably jazzy and complex melodies mostly penned by the groups’ accordion player, Gweltaz Lintaf. Unlike bands such as Spontus, who have pursued increasingly complex and idiosyncratic material in their recent recordings, Zorba is much more listenable.

A fine example of this is the first track, ‘Boubolina’, a scottish that opens with an incredibly propulsive melody and then segues into a complex, Pink Martini-like response section that gives the whole a fascinating, unique character.

This is a really solid recording. The weakest track, a plinn called ‘Katchyk’, is still a good piece of music but lacks the stomping drive I usually associate with a plinn. The fourth track, a Tour (andro) called ‘Lajaï’, is the highlight of the EP and features a remarkably lovely and energetic melody and beautiful arrangements and musicianship.

A crowdsourced EP, obviously lacking the big funding of more well-known acts, yet it is one of the more distinctive and likable Breton recordings of the year. I take this as a sign that all is well in Brittany and that the unique genius of this genre of music continues to percolate up from the wellsprings of homegrown youthful talent.


Zorba Quartet EP